
How to Get the Most Impact When Working to Improve Your Credit Score

Working to improve your credit score can be a difficult undertaking due to the fact that you never really know for sure how much impact any given action will have on your score, or how long it will take for those changes to show up. If you are working to improve your score, you likely [...]

By |August 3rd, 2024|Blog|Comments Off on How to Get the Most Impact When Working to Improve Your Credit Score

Differences Between Commercial and Consumer Debt Collection

The debt collection process is a necessary evil for anyone who extends credit to clients, customers, or other businesses. In an ideal world, everyone would earn plenty of money to pay all of their obligations on time, but in the real world, we are not always quite so fortunate. When things get difficult and payments [...]

By |August 1st, 2024|Blog|Comments Off on Differences Between Commercial and Consumer Debt Collection

5 Things a Commercial Debt Collection Agency CANNOT Do to Help You

Commercial debt collection agencies can be tremendously effective partners for almost any small business that offers credit to their customers. The right debt collection agency can act as your own personal accounts receivable department tasked with tracing down delinquent accounts, contacting debtors, negotiating payments, filing for judgments, and collecting payments. To be perfectly honest, there [...]

By |July 31st, 2024|Blog|Comments Off on 5 Things a Commercial Debt Collection Agency CANNOT Do to Help You

How to Properly Evaluate a Debt Collection Agency

There is a time in every business story when managing the accounts receivable becomes too big for the core team. Many companies hire a collection agency to handle their problematic or delinquent accounts when that happens. This can be a big help in alleviating some of the workload from your best people, allowing them [...]

By |May 4th, 2024|Blog|Comments Off on How to Properly Evaluate a Debt Collection Agency

5 Key Lessons from The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel

Legend has it that Morgan Housel wrote a large chunk of the first draft of The Psychology of Money in the same format as every other financial advice book, but then he took a hard left turn and chucked that draft into the trash. Housel had spent a large portion of his life breaking [...]

By |May 4th, 2024|Blog|Comments Off on 5 Key Lessons from The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel

Can Debt Collectors Report Collections on My Credit Report Without My Social Security Number?

One of the most common misunderstandings about the debt collection industry is that many consumers believe that debt collectors can only come after them if they provide a social security number at the time the debt is incurred. However, those consumers often find that this is not the case once those debts make their [...]

By |May 4th, 2024|Blog|Comments Off on Can Debt Collectors Report Collections on My Credit Report Without My Social Security Number?

Can Debt Collectors Access My Credit Report?

Are you under the impression that the only people who can see your credit report are the ones you authorize when applying for new credit? That is not exactly the case. Believe it or not, debt collectors can actually pull your credit report, and they don't even need your permission to do so. Even [...]

By |May 4th, 2024|Blog|Comments Off on Can Debt Collectors Access My Credit Report?

7 Areas Your Business Could Cut Costs to Save Money in 2024

With the global pandemic in our rearview mirror and an upcoming election here in the United States, 2024 should be an opportunity to post record numbers for businesses of all shapes and sizes across the country. However, things aren’t as positive as we might like to see closing out 2023. Regardless of the shape [...]

By |November 21st, 2023|Blog|Comments Off on 7 Areas Your Business Could Cut Costs to Save Money in 2024

5 Reasons to Partner With a Commercial Debt Collection Agency to Handle Your Collections

Operating a small business can be overwhelming, even on the best days. Unfortunately, the best days have been few and far between for most businesses across the country over these past few years. Between economic fears limiting consumer spending and rising costs leading to shrinking margins, almost everyone feels the pinch today. That means [...]

By |November 17th, 2023|Blog|Comments Off on 5 Reasons to Partner With a Commercial Debt Collection Agency to Handle Your Collections

Six Easy Ways to Trim Your Budget and Get Out of Debt in 2023

Rising interest rates are putting a strain on consumer finances across the country, and no one is sure whether inflation has finally calmed down or not. Whatever you think about economic policy, there is no denying that we’re all struggling to adjust right now. While conditions are certainly not ideal, getting ahead is still [...]

By |November 16th, 2023|Blog|Comments Off on Six Easy Ways to Trim Your Budget and Get Out of Debt in 2023